Two Weeks... and still going strong!

Arianna had her two-week appointment yesterday with her new pediatrician, and she has already grown 2 inches and 14 ounces since her birth measurements, so she's now at 7lbs 15oz and 20in long. Way to go girl! Also, the pediatrician gave Ben and I some tips on how to get Arianna to sleep in her bassinet better at night, and so far the tips seem to be working. Last night was the first time she slept in her own little bed, and she even had a four-hour sleep session from 1 to 5am, which means mom and dad finally got a decent night's sleep too. Wahoo!

My mom, Kay, went back to California yesterday after a two-week stay with us, and my mother-in-law, Rayelle, arrived a couple of days ago from Virginia. She is staying with us for a week. The grandmas just love their new granddaughter, and they both have been a wonderful help to Ben and me.

3 Response to "Two Weeks... and still going strong!"

  1. Stephanie says:
    October 23, 2008 at 10:34 PM

    Hooray!! Four hours of sleep in a row! I bet you're so proud of your little girl ;) Glad to hear she's doing so well. I'm still trying to figure out things for this weekend... I'll be in touch!

  2. Ashley says:
    October 24, 2008 at 9:12 AM

    I love her cute little hands in the second picture!

  3. Unknown says:
    October 27, 2008 at 9:37 PM

    Who's that old man with the beard in the pictures? Oh wait, that's you Ben. I'm gonna get you a razor for Christmas. Hahaha.

    Anyway, finally got to check out your blog. Glad to hear that your little princess is doing well!